Request for Personal Tour Form Request a personal tour below! Student InformationStudent Name* Student First Name Student Last Name Gender*MaleFemaleDate of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY School InformationEntering Year*2023 - 20242024-20252025-2026Entering Grade*Early childhood - Jr ToddlerEarly Childhood - Toddler HouseEarly Childhood - Children's HouseLower School - KindergartenLower School - FirstLower School - SecondLower School - ThirdLower School - FourthMiddle School - FifthMiddle School - SixthMiddle School - SeventhMiddle School - EighthParent InformationRelationship to Student*MotherFatherStep-MotherStep-FatherGrandparentGuardianSelfOtherParent Name* Parent First Name Parent Last Name Cell Phone*Email* How did you hear about Rosarian Academy?*I am a RA ParentI am an AlumOnline SearchOnline NewsletterWord of MouthPalm Beach Daily NewsPalm Beach PostParish BulletinEmailPostcardRadioSocial MediaTelevisionBusiness Group (BDB, Palm Beach Chamber, etc.)MagazineWellington Town-CrierOtherIf other, please explain.Is there anything else you would like us to know? Do you have any questions? Δ Take a video tour of our school.