The 47-foot Experium just landed at Rosarian Academy in West Palm Beach. Rosarian is the first school ever to experience this engaging interactive museum . The rocket facilitates a hands-on practice of direct instruction from classroom content, giving students the opportunity to participate in collaborative, problem-solving engagement. It is a team-building escape room concept. Groups of 10 students will be assigned differentiated puzzles that all culminate to solve the mission. The problem-based puzzles allow the participants to go through the process of the scientific method and engineering design process.
Attached are photos of the rocket in front of the school and the inside of the rocket that is just now being set up for the students to blast off and begin their 30 minute problem-solving missions.
Here’s a video on the rocket from Experium: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/mikaela%40experium.us?compose=166cae87d4937dfa&projector=1
Wednesday, October 31 through Friday, November 2
WHERE: Rosarian Academy
807 N. Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(all media must check in to the Front Office and show proper ID)
MEDIA CONTACT: Cara Scarola Hansen, Marketing & Communications Director
Office: 561.345.3103